Wednesday , February 12 2025

Facts about ceramic flooring

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If you are looking for flooring ideas you might be caught up with various available options. Many choices start popping up in your mind. If you are interested in ceramic flooring then here are some points discussed mentioning suitability and unsuitability of ceramic flooring. Hope you will find this article fruitful.

Suitability of ceramic flooring

-Ceramic tiles which are protected by another protective layer are normally termed as glazed tiles. Such tiles mark their importance for bathrooms and kitchen consumption because they offer great impermeability to water. However if you have opted for unglazed tiles then safety measures need to be taken to strengthen the water resistance power. This can be done by applying sealers to tiles as well as grout lines prohibiting molds and mildew to grow under and on side of tiles.

-If you are a thrifty and economical person then ceramic flooring can be your best suitable option as it last for 1-2 decades. Since impermeable to water it offers great barrier to stains seep through. Unlike marble tiles ceramic flooring can endure certain cleaning agents. Even if you wash applied dye hair in bathroom it will not absorb dye keeping the original appearance intact.

-Cleaning ceramic flooring is handy and convenient. Just a couple of items like wiping cloth, certain cleaners and vacuum cleaner can facilitate cleaning process.

-A diverse range of ceramic tiling is available in market these days. Now you can have ceramic flooring according to bathroom themes in different patterns and design like mosaic and stone print.

Unsuitability of ceramic flooring

  • Ceramic tiles are somewhat expensive this attribute of ceramic tiles makes it unsuitable option for low income and medium income group. However if you interested in taking a vigilant decision then you can save incurring cost of further 10-20year flooring cost by replacing it with ceramic tiling.
  • If your lifestyle is of such nature that demands continuous standing ceramic flooring becomes unsuitable since hard surface puts pressure on back and leg muscles.
  • Expert’s services are required for its proper installation. Furthermore due to its heavy weight it becomes unsuitable for multi storied buildings. Do get an architectural supervision when placing in other floors.

Every individual has different needs and requirements so every individual will come out with a different decision about ceramic flooring ideas. But make sure that you properly go through the pros and cons of ceramic flooring.

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