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Unique ways of using your huge rug

Unique ways of using your huge rug

Even though for a while now the rugs have been thought to be old fashioned, they are one of the creative tools that you can use to create a more welcoming living space. The rugs come in all types and sizes and thus you need to know exactly what it is you are looking for. Creativity is key when it comes to using these rugs especially the huge rugs.

Ways of using the rugs

There are many different ways that you can choose to incorporate the rugs in to your living space. Below are a few ways that you may choose to use. However remember that these are just suggestions that you can borrow ideas from.

  • On the floor

Most people who choose to use the huge rugs usually buy them to cover their floors. The rugs are of larger size and so it is important for you to know the room that they will suit best. Rugs on the floor will protect and maintain the quality of your floor.

  • Layering

This is one of the techniques that you may use to incorporate the rugs in your homes. Layering provides you with a different option of combining different designs. As you know layering involves the combination of two rugs- big and a smaller rug. If you are going to try this technique, it is quite important for you to consider the design of the two rugs before you combine them.

  • Hanging the rugs

The huge rugs may of course pose a challenge when it comes to hanging them. However, if you carefully consider your living space they can be a great addition to your home décor.

Things to consider

For you to end up with the right rug for your home there are factors that you need to consider.

  • Style of the room; your interior design will dictate the type of rug that you buy. You may want to consider the pattern of the rug when you are buying.
  • Color; the color of the rug is of utmost importance. You need to avoid buying the dark colored rugs unless you want to create the illusion of a smaller room.
  • Budget; if you don’t set a budget, you may go overboard when choosing the rug.

A point to remember

Rugs can be a great decorating tool. However, as beautiful as they are, you need to be careful when it comes to the maintenance. You need to be prepared to clean it often as they stain easily.