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Purple area rug for enhancing

Purple area rug for enhancing spirituality

Colors do matter in our every day of life. It is a common practice in many cultures perusing astrology and believe in auras to pick certain colors for obtaining desired purposes. If you are a spiritual person and want to magnify your personality then introducing purple color can give you desired results.

Purple curtains, purple area rugs and purple feature walls can be used for creating supernatural aura. Purple is in fact color of strength. Among rainbow colors it possesses the strongest wavelength. Purple color is very scarce in nature. In prehistoric times it was used to adore emperors’ and rulers’ clothing. Purple color is an epitome of mysticism, royalty, strength, novelty, magic and spirituality.

Rugs shapes

Sizing of rug really matters when planning for rugs. Inappropriate sizes can cause immense style and aesthetics blunder. Maintaining balance is a key. Too small rug for a large area and large rug for a small area can ruin the beauty of your place. It is advised by interior decorators to leave at least 6inch space between wall and rugs, however this distance should not exceed two feet. For your common living places like dining room and halls if you have rectangular or square rugs ensure symmetry by leaving equal spaces on all sides.

If you are planning to give curves to your area ensure rug extends below the legs of furniture. The width of rugs should ideally be comparable to door width. Mismatched dimensions would definitely impair the charm. Try to use rugs’ shapes as probes for adding certain dimensions to your place. Along with rugs lighting, wall color and curtains can also be incorporated to obtain a desired theme. Vintage, modern, contemporary and mosaic are different themes prevailing these days for indoor as well as outdoor decors.

Purple area rugs for bathrooms

Purple area rugs can be an enchanting and unique addition to your bathroom. It will give your bathroom a blooming and blossoming effect. Not only purple area rugs will enhance the charm and elegance of area but carefully chosen piece of rug can also be used for small washrooms to give a larger effect. For example if a small rug with bold patterns is placed in bathroom floors, the overall feel it create would definitely be enhancing. Choosing curvy purple area rugs would definitely create a wow factor.