When you look around your house, you will find that there are those certain types of furniture that can easily be used for more than one function. With the right info, you can easily use particular furniture in various ways, so as to save.
One of the furniture you can easily use in different ways is the ladder shelf. A good shelf can be easily moved from one room to another and used in different ways. Here are several areas in which you can use your ladder shelf:
Entryway – This type of shelf can be useful furniture when placed in an entryway. It can easily be used to put shoes or even a rack for hanging clothes. This would be very convenient for you.
Used in the kitchen – One can also use the shelf in the kitchen. You can place it against a wall and use it as an extra pantry area. One can store kitchen items that you use on a daily basis.
Living Room – Another ideal place to use the shelf is in the living room. Putting the shelf against a chair creates an ideal place of storing books, vases, or even your keys or remote.
In the Bathroom – You can use the shelf to hold various bathroom items, such as toiletries, towels, brushes and other items.
Laundry room –Another ideal place for the ladder shelf is the laundry room. You can place it next to the washing machines, and store all your laundry products.